We are an online skills development site offering short courses as well as internationally accredited professional job training courses. We have six (6) licensed courses on Stock Market Investing, App Development and Ecommerce for anybody without any prerequisites. The short courses are beginner level courses and you don't need any prior knowledge to enrol.

Our internationally accredited courses are on occupational safety and health (OSH) offered by UK-based National Examination Board on Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH). The NEBOSH courses on occupational safety, health and environment are aimed at training and building up knowledge of occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals. Both Grade 12 School Leavers and Working Class with good Grade 12 English and Mathematics grades, or who possess a Level 1-3 OSH qualification or haven more than 5 years work experience in risk averse industries are eligible to enrol.

Online courses gives many people the flexibility to study at their own pace and to complete the courses at their own time and pace. With the short courses, students can get lifetime access and can always come back to the course even after a while when you have completed it. The NEBOSH courses on the other hand have a 24 month access limit for the student. After the 24 month period, access is no longer granted to the course content. Compared to the short courses, the successful completion of any of the NEBOSH courses results in a certificate being awarded and entitles them to use the qualification in applying for any OSH job anywhere in the world.